Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 10 weigh in day - another bead!


I've been a bit remiss in my blogging but I have been very good in my eating and am proud to report a 1.1kg loss which brings my weight down to 117.9 and more importantly, I've earned another bead - yay!

Things that have happened since I last blogged...

I have been given the ok from my physio to do a bit more exercise but still no running. I've been to the gym a few times, twice yesterday and my back is a bit sore today.

My trainer and I set down some goals based around my upcoming travels. I will be going to India on October 15 and my target weight for this is 114kg. Then we're off to Dubai at Christmas and my target weight is 104 with the return weight of 102. So that means I'll have to be conscious of the amount of food I'm eating plus the I will need to exercise while I'm away - not a bad thing on the whole. In March, we're off to Germany for three weeks and my target weight is 92. It made me feel good to set goals, I need to be focused to reach them.

I went to a hen's night on Saturday which started with afternoon tea. I was pretty good - drank soda water all night but did nibble a bit too much. The hen herself was incredibly entertaining, my favourite part of the night was when she had to get up on the couches at the cocktail lounge and dance for two minutes... she got more and more inventive as the dance went on and we left her up there for a full five minutes by which stage she was into the full leg kicks! Mmm maybe you had to be there but trust me it was pretty funny at the time.

Sunday we had brunch at our friends and goddaughter's place. I had my strawberry bruschetta which was a hit and then we stayed on for a quick lunch which was also very healthy. Stu and I did the shopping in the evening but we were well set up for the week to come.

Monday and Tuesday flew by in a haze of work but I am proud to say I have been following the food program and it's getting easier - I only had to have my tea with two sugars after lunch yesterday as the sweet cravings have been lessening.

So it comes to this morning, Wednesday morning, the sun is shining, I'm trying to make my breakfast smoothie - must either warm up the frozen berries before trying to pulverise them with a stab mixer or buy a blender - not working very well. I'll have a shower and then give it another shot.

Enjoy your Wednesday, there will be photos of the new bead up tomorrow!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day Three - a 3.4kg loss and my first bead!!! :o)

Today the scales said... 119.0 which is a terrifying number in itself but 3.4kg less than what they said on Sunday. Yippee!!!

I am feeling in control and strong and loving it. Lunchtime today was a bit of a struggle, I had a nutritous curried egg sandwich with lettuce and snow pea sprouts which was very tasty but not nearly as delectable as the chicken curry my boss was eating at the next table... *sigh* I must be strong, I must be strong. I finished lunch with the traditional tea with two sugars... I'm still a tad hungry but will get up and get a glass of water to help satisfy my grumbling belly.

Spring has sprung here in Sydney and it's helping me smile. Nice sunny days are much better for the soul even if one has to go to work.

Ooh and the best bit about my weight loss is that I earned a Pandora bead!!! It's silver and has little squiggles on it and I think it's pretty cute. A photo of it is at the top of the blog. Just 0.6kg to go til my next one! The other photo is the plain bracelet. I went for the oxidised one as this is the one I like the look of the least and spurs me on to fill it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 2

So it's the second day of the 12 week challenge. I'm going well. I stuck to the program last night and finished the day within my calorie limit. Plus the food was good! And, I've stuck to everything on the program today as well and have been to the gym... yay me!

Tomorrow is weigh-in day... I will post the photos of my Pandora bracelet tomorrow and will see if I get to put any beads on the bracelet. I last weighed in on Sunday so a loss of more than 2kg would be great but unexpected. Fingers will be crossed though!

I have managed to curb my after lunch sweet craving by having a cup of tea with 2 sugars in it straight after lunch. I plan on reducing the sugar levels gradually but for now, taming the sweet tooth is more important (well I think so anyway!)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day One...

Well, here it is, my first blog on losing weight with a Pandora bracelet. Yes, it's strange, I'm sure eating a Pandora bracelet wouldn't have that many calories, but it's more what it represents. When I look at my wrist and see the empty bracelet, it spurs me on just a little to strive for weight loss just so I can fill the sucker up! For every two kg I lose, I will put a bead on my Pandora bracelet. When I get under 100kg, I will put on a super special bead - it's gold with a pink sapphire.

A bit about me. My name is Tiffany Alderson, I live with my partner, Stu and our furry 'kids' - two golden retrievers and two cats in western Sydney. I work as a Communications Manager for a construction equipment company which is enjoyable and challenging. I'm nearly 40 - October 27 is the big day. I had wanted to be at my goal weight of 71kg by then. But my mind thought otherwise and I'm currently a hefty 122.4kg.

However, looking back and thinking 'I should've done that, I shouldn't have eaten that' is both pointless and demoralising. So today is Day 1 of my weight loss challenge and it's also coincidentally the first day of the Michelle Bridges 12wbt challenge. I'm ready to change my life for the better.

It's lunchtime on day one and I've done well. I've had my breakfast smoothie which was suprisingly filling and tasty (and made for me by my wonderful partner Stu). I've eaten my curried egg sandwich and to stop myself reaching for the chocolate or other snacks, I had a cup of tea at the end of lunch. I'm due for another glass of water which will also help fill the void in my demanding sulking stomach deprived of vast quantities of food.

I'm terrible at keeping diaries and journals. But I realise it's the best way of keeping track of things, so I'm aiming to blog each day, just to let you know how I'm doing, good or bad.

So thanks for reading this, I hope you stay with me for the ride.
